I said this in IRC, but thanks again for these chapters. =D
I'd like to ask a few questions about the work, if you don't mind. Anyone looking may answer as well. =3
In chapter 28, Shimada assumes that to Rei, Gotou has "20 games" while Shimada has "5 games." I kind of get a vague sense of what Rei did here, but what exactly was the faux pas that he was guilty of? Was it judging Shimada and Gotou based on the number of games they had on record?
And on a more general level, I noticed that Hinata frequently switches between addressing Rei as "Rei-chan" and "Kiriyama-kun" without any pronounced reason (usually when that happens in other works, it implies one character is angry at the other). It's something I haven't really seen before, at least not in recent memory. Is there any particular nuance or cultural matter I might want to be aware of in regard to this?