Kekkai is a term also used in
X and
Hidari Te (Left Hand). Seishirou explains the basic concept of a kekkai pretty well; a magical alternative barrier in which all damage (except damage to the people in the kekkai) does not affect the real world once the kekkai is taken down. In X only Dragons of Heaven can create kekkai, because they have something they want to protect, but if the creator of a kekkai dies while a kekkai is up, the kekkai falls and the damage inflicted to the environment persists in the real world. All kekkai take on different shapes. That Tomoyo can create a kekkai implies she also has something very important to her to protect. Enjoy~
Tsubasa v22c171
/msg [BWYS]Kurorin xdcc send #153Also a minor error fix; in Tsuabsa vol. 22, ch. 167, pg. 06 Tomoyo's castle is called 'Shirasaki' when it should be 'Shirasagi.' This is not a typo but a translation mix-up. DDL and XDCC bot files have been updated but you can get just the fixed page alone here: