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Author Topic: AKA YGATFS  (Read 13547 times)


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« on: April 03, 2009, 09:51:07 PM »

Alright, it seems that this extended joke has rather gone too far and gotten stale, so I'll end it early. It was supposed to go on for five days. This is an end at three. Be With You Scans releasing porn was a fun idea concocted as early as half a year ago, but it never really got planned and when the time came for April Fools, finals came along with it. Some of us had doujinshi lying around that we'd always wanted scanlated, but they didn't fit into the image of BWYS, so this seemed like a perfect opportunity to get some XXX out there.

If any of you have ever payed a split second's worth of attention to the credit pages of Tsubasa and BWYS releases in general, the name Maris should be very familiar with you. Since way back around 2005-06 she used to write newsposts here, and she buys, scans, and edits mountains of CLAMP related things for the CLAMP community at large, not just in BWYS. If you have huge hi-res scans of CLAMP calendars or Code Geass artbooks odds are she did it. There are few greater turn-offs than sending anonymous death threats because you have apparently lost access to HQ scanlations of a manga that is licensed and for which there are 'alternative' scanlations that already exist out there.

There are no real internal conflicts or plans for a coup d'etat (not that I know of, anyway) but yes, its true that many of the staff have been unhappy with the direction of Tsubasa since Tokyo. For you, this does not matter as we are determined regardless to scanlate it as best we can and to try to catch up to Japan with it. I believed that readers could cope with not having the promise of Tsubasa releases for a few days, but some comments these last three days have caused me to seriously consider dropping Tsubasa. But over the past six years we've been doing Tsubasa, its taken a small army of people to come this far. I for one have made too huge an investment of my time to give it up for a few CLAMP-tards, and other members of the staff who have been here for about as long as I have like Maris, Foxfire, and kiwiish have all also made enormous personal investments into doing this.

Apologies for scaring those who have been close readers of BWYS, those who care to read and archive manga in its full glory and believe that quality matters. All the more love to those who actually came on IRC to find out what was up. Nothing was ever removed from the bot, and it is extremely easy to go on and download from IRC these days: We are an IRC based group after all-- the point of which is that readers and scanlators are able to directly talk to one another in real time.

Of course, for many of you, none of this matters. All that you care about is knowing that the downloads are back up. And they are.

There's still a little more porn left, if you are open to it. Hanaharu Naruko is an extraordinary artist and one of those elite chosen to feature in Range Murata's Robot artbooks. Or perhaps you know him from the blog Sankaku.

Kura by Hanaharu Naruko, 18+ (warning, there is a lot of plot)[BWYS].zip
/msg [BWYS]Kurorin xdcc send #76

To the Cape by Hanaharu Naruko, 18+[BWYS].zip
/msg [BWYS]Kurorin xdcc send #77

There is one more 18+ surprise coming up Sunday for the ladies out there though. Fufufu.

If you need something to take your mind off all this and cheer you up: we've just discovered a 21 page Cardcaptor Sakura omake that has never been scanlated or published in English before. It was made by CLAMP during the Clow arc of CCS as a booklet that probably came with the first pressing of a drama CD or something like that. I am estatic to get to do it!

P.S. Clearly many of you miss Tsubasa, but I attend university and it is April. Just a heads up that it may be unlikely any will come out for 1.5-2 weeks. There will be CLAMP things released in between however.

Foxfire: I would here like to insert an additional apology for any trauma my post may or may not have caused. While extending releases for an already-busted April Fools joke for five days seemed rather stale and pointless, I believe my attempt to amend the joke to a more believable state was even more tasteless, seeing as jokes just don't patch that way.

I am, however, shocked by some of the more virulent responses we received. I understand there are die-hard Tsubasa fans out there, but death threats? Over the loss of SCANLATIONS? That's going a bit far.

All in all, I just wanted to say that Maris loves Tsubasa as much as the rest of us - she is hardworking and dedicated and one of the biggest anchoring pillars of BWYS, and even if she HAD dropped Tsubasa if any of you threaten her again you just may find Foxfire in your house in the middle of the night with a pitchfork and intent to slay. So please keep that in mind. <3
« Last Edit: April 04, 2009, 03:02:35 PM by Foxfire »


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« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2009, 01:31:19 AM »

hwew... thought that this might be real.  but thanx that's its just a prank.  when i saw the messages these past few days my heart stopped (expression).  but i think some of us just don't want to disrupt your decision, i mean we respect your decisions if you guys will really drop it, even though it's against our wishes.  after all, i think people know the hardships of scanlating (at least i do, i even tried editing but am too lazy to continue it) and the time it takes just to get one chapter out.  Doing it all for free and in your spare time is so admirable so we really respect and admire you guys for it.  Hoping there will be more clamp as well as gakuen alice releases in the future.


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« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2009, 02:56:12 AM »

(Oh look you actually got me to delurk) While I am extremely grateful to hear that you are all planning on continuing Tsubasa (seeing it in nice shiny HQ is a real treat and I would have missed it alot if you had), I am sorry to hear that you all got abused so much for the joke. Thank you so much for all your hard work so far, and best of luck for those of you with exams!


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« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2009, 03:43:18 AM »

haha gosh, i'm so glad it's just a joke. i wanted to ask what was going on but thought i'd wait a bit to see if there would be any contrary posts to the "conflict" and i'm glad i did ^_^! glad to know that maris and chara have no probs! it'd be sad to see a good team break up. and glad to know that quality scans are continuing :)

nonetheless it was a good joke... a bit too successful lol ^_^ take care folks! :)


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« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2009, 04:38:27 AM »

thanks God. I'm relieved. I was so sad for a few recent days. I hoped and I wished it was just a April fool (and before I read this news, I mostly said goodbye to all hopes).
I love HQ CLAMP scanlations of BWYS   :lol:


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« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2009, 10:07:35 AM »

glad to hear it was just a prolonged joke :)
thought it was, but I got worried nonetheless XD
anyway, even if it was NOT a joke, it would have been your right to stop scanlating Tsubasa, it's your time you're spending, and you're not getting any money out of it anyway >.<
still, I've read some nasty comments on your previous posts, and you have all my sympathy, CLAMP-tards (no, wait, scanlation-tards) can be quite extreme :(


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« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2009, 11:01:27 PM »

Oh dear, must have been painful reading the comments...


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« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2009, 12:19:04 AM »

oh man, I've been away for a couple of days and missed the releases of Tsubasa and etc. I scroll down and meet a the topic "Internal Conflicts" and I was think "No~!!" but I continued reading lol and all I can say I'm happy the groups okay, lol >_<  Thank you for the wonderful releases (I won't be taking the Shoujo Material but thanks for those too).


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« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2009, 01:16:52 AM »

you guys are so bad  :hello:
never thought i would see hentai on BWYS
my image of innocent, pure hearted BWYS staffs are shattered


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« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2009, 03:13:39 PM »

It's good to know that was just a prank. At first, I thought it was an April fool's joke but then it seemed real and worse. You really made us readers worried. Well, everything is fine now, keep up with your wonderful works.


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« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2009, 05:53:42 PM »

you guys are so bad  :hello:
never thought i would see hentai on BWYS
my image of innocent, pure hearted BWYS staffs are shattered

I think its mostly my negative influence on the group.

Anyway not sure where to put these doujins... they don't seem to belong on the projects page.


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« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2009, 03:26:32 AM »

I did thought that it was a prank. But I was having doubts when is was still persistent when a couple of days when by ^^ Really thanks to your group for the HQ releases.
