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Author Topic: Tsubasa v16 c123  (Read 6493 times)


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Tsubasa v16 c123
« on: July 12, 2008, 09:59:23 PM »

Yikes! Its been a while and I've forgotten to release. So here's you have it, more Tsubasa.

/msg [BWYS]Kurorin xdcc send #200

This was actually released last night in the IRC channel, but what with Dreamhosts downtime, the site got updated later.

I am still looking for editors (test here), Japanese translators, and people who can do simple, quickie trans like sound effects or chapter titles. The QC position is closed and I am still going through the applications and considering them.

Also, visitors may now access the site from, which  just re-directs to for now.

P.S. Anyone interested in JPN translating/edting Gakuen Alice or Honey & Clover email me also.
