I think there will always be a difference between the online me and offline me, simply because I find it easier to express myself in writing: the main thing is that I have more time to digest and respond (like right now - IRL you probably would just get a *shrug* from me), and I suppose subconsciously we all take it for granted of the anonymity and the apparent lack of consequence for what we say or do online.
Another thing is that I am not very good at group conversations IRL. In a group, I tend to stay quiet, laugh at stuff, but not contribute much to the convo. You'll find me more open on a one-to-one basis. Even if there's 3 of us, I find it harder to join in if the other 2 know each other better than I know either of them. Online, it doesn't matter as much how many ppl are in the convo, or when you butt in, so in a way I act as if I am having a 'one-to-one' conversation with the internet (like talking to myself? lol). Though, if say I go to a new place (e.g. new channel or forum), it's similar as if I meet a new person IRL. I tend to be more quiet/reserved at first.
Finally, I'd just like to note that I don't think I have any friends IRL who are as horny as this group. (I don't really have any guy friends, but that's beside the point.)