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Messages - FullMetalBoy

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This is how I sum this episode up:

News / Re: Tsubasa v17c126
« on: July 29, 2008, 11:26:51 AM »
Hi there,
I don't what translation you read, but in the RAW version, Kurogane says directly about who he is speaking - Yuuko. So there's no much room for doubt here. Plus, IMO, it makes much more sense that it'll be Yuuko and not Mokona, since he asked for help from Yuuko, not from Mokona.

xxxHOLiC / Re: xxxHOLiC > Tsubasa
« on: July 28, 2008, 08:54:09 AM »
You read the translation for xxxHolic's drama CD, probably over at starlady's LJ. I read it too. It's really interesting, since it's about the creation of the Mokonas and Yuuko's relationship with Clow. I think I'm gonna read now the picture book, I heard of it a long time ago but never found a translation :P

xxxHOLiC / Re: xxxHOLiC > Tsubasa
« on: July 27, 2008, 05:48:02 PM »
In fact as CLAMP has said, Yuuko is probably a strong enough character to lead a manga all by herself.

Funny thing - long long time ago, before I started reading xxxHolic(but already read TRC), I thought Yuuko is the leading protagonist.

Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE / Re: Love <3 predictions
« on: July 24, 2008, 10:22:19 PM »
Mizuki is with Eriol? Isn't it kinda....pedophilia?
Anyway, even if Eriol and Fujitaka are reincarnations of Clow, they are still not Clow. Eriol makes it very clear at the end of CCS. Thus, their love interest might very much not be Clow's love interest.

Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE / Re: Love <3 predictions
« on: July 24, 2008, 08:05:35 PM »
Nadeshiko and Mizuki are after Clow? I didn't know that!
Anyway, it's clear that Yuuko has strong feeling towards Clow, and Yuuko really do seem the best fit for Clow, so I bet he got feeling for her too.

Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE / Re: Love <3 predictions
« on: July 24, 2008, 02:30:27 PM »
Although it's quite obvious R!Syaoran and R!Sakura are gonna be together, it's kinda disturbing, since R!Syaoran gonna be with an alternate dimension version of his own get the point.

KuroFay? Sorry, I can't stand Yaoi :<

Another couple that could've been is Yuuko and Clow. But unfortunately, Clow is dead :(

xxxHOLiC / Re: Who is Watanuki's #1?
« on: July 24, 2008, 12:42:43 PM »
He will end up with Mokona :)

xxxHOLiC / Re: xxxHOLiC > Tsubasa
« on: July 23, 2008, 09:27:58 PM »
I must say that I see both series equally good, since each is compelling the other, and, all in all, they tell one story. True that xxxHolic might be more original about the character design, but I don't think Tsubasa ripps of past Clamp works, but actually brings some of them together while creating a whole new interesting story (I can't wait for the coming chapters of Tsubasa and Holic :) ).

About Syaoran Jr. looking exactly the same as Syaoran - that very might be a subject to change if we get to see him grow up. Why you ask? Well, in many animes/mangas the children of different characters tend to bear resemblance to one of their parents, depending on their gender, and later on their look changes. Take DBZ for example -Goten looked exactly the same as Goku when he was young, but as he grew up, he completely changed.

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