Be With You forum
Be With You animanga forum => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: FullMetalBoy on May 01, 2009, 07:25:16 AM
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Fuck. That's all I can say.
I haven't watched the three Japanese adaptions, but I sorta know the story of the first two. I guess I'll be going to watch them since I didn't hear the suck, and also I want to compare between them and whatever crap Warner Bros. is going to make.
First change to the story made by WB - Light starts off as a college student. Okay, minor. I can live with that. I don't see the reason for this change, but whatever.
I watched the 2 Death Note movies a long while ago (haven't seen the L movie yet), so this is from vague memories...
I didn't really like the first Death Note film much, but I gained a better impression after the 2nd movie. There are definitely differences between the manga and the movies, but somehow it kinda worked? in the 2nd movie anyway.
One thing that I remember for sure is that the actor for Light sucked. He couldn't do Light's evil twisted expressions at all.