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Posted by: Silvia
« on: July 29, 2008, 05:27:30 PM »

aha, yes I follow the speedy scans also xD.
This one was an old one, now hosted on msn.
I'm glad to be able to read the correct version now ^.^. Thank you <3
Posted by: XiongMao-kun
« on: July 29, 2008, 11:48:38 AM »

Are you following speed scans? We have great faith in our translators here =P
Posted by: FullMetalBoy
« on: July 29, 2008, 11:26:51 AM »

Hi there,
I don't what translation you read, but in the RAW version, Kurogane says directly about who he is speaking - Yuuko. So there's no much room for doubt here. Plus, IMO, it makes much more sense that it'll be Yuuko and not Mokona, since he asked for help from Yuuko, not from Mokona.
Posted by: Silvia
« on: July 29, 2008, 09:32:25 AM »

Hi ^^
are you sure about the translation in the upper right section of page 09?
I'm in no way a japanese speaker, I only remember that another translation made it sound like it was Mokona the thing Kurogane trust, not the witch.
Either way make sense, so I'm curious :O
<3 your scanlations
Posted by: Anon
« on: July 29, 2008, 02:05:59 AM »

if it's possible, there is a copy of volume 11 on #lurk
Posted by: Chara
« on: July 28, 2008, 10:40:51 PM »

At last, we are starting to resolve the Tokyo Revolutions arc.

/msg [BWYS]Kurorin xdcc send #135

In addition to the usual job openings for editing and translating, we are also looking for a scanner. As it sounds, this is someone who has a scanner who will be sent manga, and scans it (at least 400 DPI). This may involve de-binding the manga (ripping the binding apart or smushing the volume enough to damage it). Unless I find other solutions for our problem, this scanner would be sent xxxHOLiC v12 to scan.

Or if you already have xxxHOLiC v12, if you could scan it and send it our way that would work too <3. This is something anyone that has a scanner can do, although it can be tedious. However, you must live in North America... preferably the United States of America.

EDIT: I typed v11, I meant 12.

EDIT2: We've found v12 raws online and will use them.