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Posted by: Chara
« on: January 03, 2009, 11:02:19 PM »

It looks like releasing HOLiC pulls in more people to come on IRC-- that makes me happy, so I'm releasing more. This is one hell of a monster chapter, CLAMP combined FOUR magazine chapters into this one and going through that much in one go for each step of scanlation is... really daunting and tiring. This thing is 58 pages! That's longer than a chapter of manga that runs monthly.

xxxHOLiC v12c03
/msg [BWYS]Kurorin xdcc send #178

Now, somewhere in this chapter (I don't want go through it again please) Watanuki apologizes to Sakura for using the '-chan' suffix, if you don't already know Japanese honorifics, its very informal and would imply a degree of closeness to call someone (usually a girl) '-chan'.